



How To Order a Prescription? 3 Simple Steps.

Step 1

All prescription requests must be made in writing. We require your Full Name, Date Of Birth, Name and strength of your medication, and any other relevant information such as additional reasons for your request.

Please note we recommend sending your request 7 to 10 days before your current supply of medication is going to run out. We require 2 working days to process your request and your community pharmacy will need a similar amount of time to order stock and get your prescriptions ready. Early requests will be rejected without valid reason for ordering more than 7 to 10 days in advance.

Acceptable methods include:


Order via the NHS App

  • This is our preferred method. Online access can be set up by our Care Navigators and emailed or printed for the patient to collect.


  • We have a dedicated prescriptions form which is monitored throughout the day to ensure requests are processed as quickly as possible.

Handwritten requests

  • Written requests will be accepted on the repeat prescription request form, right-hand side of your repeat prescription slips or any other appropriate paper format assuming the request is legible and includes all the information required.

Pharmacy managed repeats

  • Where the pharmacy acts on behalf of the patient to order, collect and dispense medication to the patient. Arrangements for this service remains with the patient/carer and their pharmacy of choice.

Step 2

Once your prescription request has been received, we will aim to issue a prescription within 2 working days. If we are unable to issue your prescription, you will be contacted within this time. For example, you may need to book an annual medication review or blood test before we can issue your next prescription.

*Please note if you are starting a new medication from another hospital/clinic we require a letter from that doctor/consultant asking us to continue prescribing this for you. It may take 7 days to get your new medication added and authorised on your repeat prescription list.

Step 3

Collecting your medication.

All prescriptions will be sent electronically to your nominated pharmacy. Pharmacies will have their own processing time but on average require 2 working days to dispense your prescription. To avoid waiting times at the pharmacy we recommend you contact your pharmacy in advance to arrange a convenient time to pick-up your medication.


Electronic Prescription Service (EPS)

The NHS EPS system allows all prescriptions for medicines and essential supplies to be signed, sent and processed electronically. This removes all risk of prescriptions being lost and is helping us achieve a paperless, sustainable prescription service.


Electronic Repeat Dispensing

Electronic repeat dispensing (eRD) is an integral part of the EPS system, which offers many benefits to patients, pharmacies and GP Practices. If you or someone you care for uses the same medicines regularly, you may be able to benefit from electronic repeat dispensing. This means you won't have to re-order your repeat prescriptions from your GP practice every time you need more medicine.

Repeat Dispensing allows the GP to sign up to 6 months of prescriptions in advance and send them all to your nominated pharmacy. Each time you need more medication you can simply contact your pharmacy for your next prescription. Once the pharmacy run out of prescriptions for you, they will ask you to request another batch from your GP.

This system is estimated to save 330 million prescriptions from being requested by patients and signed every time by your GP. This could save 2.7 million hours of GP and Practice time for the NHS.


Charges and Exemptions

Extensive exemption and remission arrangements are in place to protect those likely to have difficulty in paying charges.

To get help with NHS prescription costs please visit the NHS website for the latest Prescription Charges or call the NHS Help with Health Costs helpline 0300 330 1343.

The NHS prescription charge is a flat-rate amount decided by Government that is thought to be reasonable to charge those who can afford to pay for their medicines.

  • Prescription prepayment certificates (PPCs) offer real savings for people who need more than one regular medication.
  • When going abroad you can take your NHS medications with you.
  • These charges apply in England only. In Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales prescriptions are free of charge.

Medicines Supply and Shortages

The Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) has overall responsibility for ensuring the continuity of the supply of medicines to the NHS in England. Occasionally, some medicines can be affected by manufacturing or national supply chain problems. Where this is a national shortage, all organisations involved will work quickly to find solutions and provide clear guidance on how practices and community pharmacy should manage shortages in the UK.

More often, local pharmacies may have trouble getting stock from their individual suppliers or contracts and this is usually unique to one store or pharmacy chain. If your pharmacist says they do not have your medicine in stock, we recommend asking them to return the prescription so you can try to get your medicine from a different pharmacy.

The choice of which medicines we prescribe for you is a clinical decision based on the most beneficial, easy to use, and cost-effective option for you so changing your prescription to an alternative drug is not always the best choice of treatment for your condition.  It is therefore much better to try a few different pharmacies before asking us to change your prescription.