Launch of Help When You Need It




Consultation from Adult Social Care Commissioning

To whom it may concern,

I am contacting you as an NHS organisation or provider within Bristol.

Bristol City Council is reviewing the non-statutory care and support services delivered under the Help When You Need
It (HWYNI) contracts. These services are currently funded by the council’s Adult Social Care budget. They offer shortterm and outcome-focused support for adults with support needs and aim to maximise well-being, develop independent living skills, and achieve goals.

The current HWYNI contracts end on 31 March 2025. The council is proposing changes to the current format of the services to better meet the needs of the Bristol population and maximise value for money within the available budget and funding pressures. Bristol City Council is facing real financial pressures across a wide range of its services and departments, with Adult Social Care facing a significant net budget overspend in 2024/25. The consultation describes potential areas for savings, reinvestment, and new ways of working that will improve efficiency and increase access for minoritised communities.

The consultation period for HWYNI runsfrom 6 August until 17 September 2024. This is a public consultation which will inform the final commissioning plans for HWYNI. The council aims to collect as many views as possible from people who have used HWYNI services, the family and carers of service users, providers, health and social care professionals, Housing professionals, and the wider Bristol community.

Please take some time to complete our consultation survey here. We would also like to ask for your support in promoting the public consultation and ask that you share it with the patients you work with so they can give their views. If you would like the information in another language or format, or to talk to the Commissioning team directly, contact

Best regards,

Hugh Evans
Executive Director: Adults and Communities

Published: Sep 11, 2024